01. Who am I?

Nice to meet you! I'm a software engineer, designer, and educator, passionate about social, cultural, and collaborative experiences. I'm specialized in frontend technologies, migrating on full-stack. I'm also interested in Open Source, machine learning, and internet of things.
- Javascript / Typescript
- React
02. Work Experience

YouSea is the company I founded to house independent projects with clients. My goal is to make sure all processes are clear - timeline, challenges, as well as provide high-quality deliverables. That means I am responsible for prototyping, developing and deploying websites and apps.
Design projects and solutions according to each client's need.
Develop and implement web apps, websites, and blogs in cloud servers.
Coordinate multiple projects and deadlines simultaneously.

Reprograma is an NGO whose mission is to empower women, providing an intensive front end course. As an educator, my focus is to teach and tutor, sharing front end technologies content (HTML, CSS, Javascript and React), as well as manage a diverse group of students.
Keep myself updated on the latest technologies.
Manage and supervise projects developed by students.
Collaborate with team members and discuss className content.

Some of Mozilla's employers who have some kind of disability were struggling to use Treeherder continuous integration apps. My role in this scenario was to improve accessibility - make sure bugs were fixed and user experience was enhanced.
Stay in contact with the users, attend meetings to discuss implementation strategies.
Develop new components in React and others were improved and optimized.
Update its documentation, so all new code followed the best accessibility practices.

Working with multiple clients. In the frontend, we develop with React and Typescript, using MVVM architecture with MobX and testing with Jest and React Testing Library. Our codebase is also a hybrid of legacy and modern architecture in the same place, bringing in extra sauce to the challenge. My role there is to develop new features, make architectural decisions and keep the code maintainable.
Act as a facilitator between designers, frontend and backend developers, planning and understanding API gaps against frontend needs.
Act as a member of the Diversity Committee, proposing, managing and creating awareness activities, such as lectures, capacitation programs and learning sessions.
Also play a technical interviewer role, helping the hiring process.

JustWatch is a streaming guide and a marketing solution to distributors, streaming platforms and home entertainment. As a frontend engineer, I make decisions on our internal products architecture, develop and plan new features. We currently have a modern platform which is built in Vue and a legacy one, which is in AngularJS.
Discuss features, implementation and take part in planning sessions with interested stakeholders (designers, product managers, users and backend engineers).
Develop software with Vue with Typescript and AngularJS.
Build a platform which enables our users to make smarter decisions and optimize their work. This involves constant talking with them and proposing UX solutions.
03. Skills
- CSS3 (Sass/SCSS)
- Bootstrap
- Javascript (ES6+)
- Typescript
- React
- Jest
- React Testing Library
- Redux
- styled components
- MobX
- Angular, Vue
- React Native (mobile development)
- Wordpress (CMS and web development)
- Gatsby (blog)
- User Experience (UX)
- MVVM (architecture)
- Object oriented programming (paradigm)
- Clean Code and SOLID (best practices)
Back-end / Database
- Node.js
- Express
- MongoDB
- Firebase
- Git / Mercurial (version control)
- Github, GitLab
- VS Code / Sublime
- Agile methods
- ESLint
04.1 Education
04.2 Courses
- Advanced Javascript - Udemy
- Node.js developer course - Udemy
- React Native The Practical Guide - Udemy
- Advanced CSS and Sass - Udemy
- React Developer Course - Udemy
- Sprint Artificial Intelligence - Programaria + Intel
- Pocket Course Machine Learning - Itaú
- Introduction to IoT - Cisco Networking Academy
05. Projects

Days Countdown App
Sometimes you just need to know how far that special date is. This web app takes a description and a date, via Airbnb Date Picker, and shows you how many days it will take to reach it. You can store the link for later or share with people, as its parameters will be in the URL. Currently in Portuguese only.